" I never did anything by accident, nor did any of my inventions come by accident; they came by work." - Thomas A. Edison

Sunday, December 5, 2010

PowerPoint on Writing a Paragraph


With a partner (I will assign you partners), open up iMovie. Pretend you are news anchors and just found out about two new inventions. Create a "news report" on iMovie about the inventions each of you researched. Make sure you save your work because we will be watching the news reports as a class!

Make sure you report:
-What is the invention
-Who invented it
- How it has affected the United States and the world

InventNow Response

 Please visit the InventNow website and click on the gallery link at the top of the page (see picture below). Write a paragraph response on one of the inventions you see. Tell me why this was your favorite invention and how you could use it. Please post your response to the blog as a comment to this post.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Google Earth

Check this out! Google Earth shows the amount of pollution across the country by light bulbs.

Invention Research Paragraph Rubric

Students will be assessed based on the following rubric for their invention project:

Monday, November 22, 2010

Invention Project

1. Pick one invention to research. Please let me know what invention you choose to research.
2. Research your invention. Make sure you site your source!
3. Go to Wordle and write a paragraph about your invention.
4. Use Inspiration to plan your paragraph (see picture below for example)
5. Create a presentation using Prezi.

Helpful Links:
http://www.encyclopedia.com (This is helpful to research your invention)
http://www.enchantedlearning.com/inventors (This is helpful to research your invention)
http://www.factmonster.com/people.html (This will be helpful in researching your inventor)

Friday, November 19, 2010

Invention Unit Standards

What students are expected to demonstrate during the inventions unit:

History Standard: The student uses a working knowledge and understanding of significant individuals, groups, ideas, events, eras, and developments in the history of Kansas, the United States, and the world, utilizing essential analytical and research skills.
Benchmark 1: The student understands the significance of important individuals and major developments in history.

The student: 
1.(A) compares various forms of transportation in Kansas past and
present (e.g., the horse, steamboat, trains, airplanes, cars). 
2.(A) compares and contrasts the ways people communicate with
each other past and present.
3.(A) identifies important innovations made in the past that influence
today (e.g., Wright Brothers – airplane; Henry Ford – automobile; Ancient China – irrigation, paper; Inca – highways to connect cities).
Standard 1 - Writing: The student writes effectively for a variety of audiences, purposes, and contexts.
Benchmark 2: The student writes expository text using the writing process.

The student... 
1.Chooses and writes several sentences about one clear idea.
(Ideas and Content: prewriting, drafting, revising: N,E,T)
 2.Develops one clear main idea with supporting details.
(Ideas and Content: prewriting, drafting, revising: N,E,T) 
 4.Expresses information in own words using complete sentences. (Ideas and Content: prewriting, drafting, revising: N,E,T) 
8. Begins to use a variety of prewriting strategies (e.g. webbing,
brainstorming, listing). (Organization: prewriting, drafting, revising: N,E,T) 
10. Writes a simple paragraph(s) about one idea. (Organization: prewriting, drafting, revising: N,E,T) 
17. Recognizes an incomplete thought. (Sentence Fluency: prewriting, drafting, revising: N,E,T)
18. Uses correct spacing between words. (Conventions: prewriting, drafting, revising: N,E,T)
19. Capitalizes the beginning of a sentence using correct punctuation. (Conventions: prewriting, drafting, revising: N,E,T)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Note to Parents

Dear Parents,

Thank you for viewing the Second Grade Blog! We are planning to study some exciting things this year! To start off the semester, we will be working on an inventions unit in Social Studies. Students will be studying various inventions that have impacted the United States and the world. Many pieces of technology  and other subjects will be integrated into this unit. We are also going to be focusing on the structure and steps to writing a paragraph. This will be demonstrated through various projects throughout the inventions unit. You can view the rubrics for these projects as well as information about these projects through this blog.

Please continue to check this blog to see the different activities we are working on. Feel free to explore, or if you are a blog user yourself subscribe to this blog! It is going to be a very interesting and exciting unit! Please let me know if you have any questions! Thank you!

Ashley Pfenninger
2nd Grade Teacher